Valentines Day is almost here and people all across the world is all set to figure out what they will do this special day. The Hug Day is one of the special Day of the Valentine’s Week and people celebrate this day so that they are able to get close to each other. You can always make your loved ones feel special on this by sharing some Hug Day Status 2024. The Hug Day Whatsapp Status plays a very important role in the lives of the people because this helps to wish everyone in your life and make them feel special. The Hug Day 2024 Status for Whatsapp will help you come close to your partner even if they are away from you now. You can simply use a Hug Day Short Status and make the people understand that you have been thinking about them.
The internet is now filled with Hug Day 2 Line Status and people will not be able to download them from different websites. All the websites have a very different collection of Hug Day WhatsApp Status from which users will be able to choose from. Since WhatsApp has become so much popular amongst people now the internet has been filled up with Hug Day 2024 WhatsApp Status. You can always make things a lot more interesting by sharing all the Hug Day WhatsApp Video Status. This collection of status is very much new in the market and people have the option to decide if they want to use it or not.

Happy Hug Day Status, Whatsapp Video Status, Short & 2 Line Status 2024

Hug Day Status
Things to keep in mind while uploading Hug Day 2024 WhatsApp Status
Status on WhatsApp is a very new update which is available for all the users. Users all across the world have been sharing Status and this has made the internet to make millions of Hug Day Short Status which people can share with their partners.
I have learned that there is more power in a good strong hug than in a thousand meaningful words. Happy Hug Day 2024!
बाँहों में चले आओ हमसे सनम क्या पर्दा हो… हमसे सनम क्या पर्दा… यह आज का नहीं मिलन.. ये संग है उम्र भर का…
A hug is a love- doze for your heart and works like magic spells for your love-life. Hug the one you love. Happy Hug Day 2024!
मन ही मन करती हूँ बातें.. दिल की हर एक बात कह जाती हूँ.. एक बार तो ले लो बाँहों में सजना.. यही हर बार कहते कहते रुक जाती हूँ।
Just do me a favor, Put your left hand on your right shoulder and your right hand on your left shoulder. Happy Hug Day 2024!
Read more: Happy Hug Day Wishes, Messages, Quotes & Greetings on Cards 2024 to Share with Loved Ones
Happy Hug Day Status 2024 for Whatsapp & Facebook

Hug Day Status for Whatsapp
The internet is full of Hug Day Status and if you are thinking of sharing it with the people you love to make sure to use something which has not been reused a million times on the internet so that your partner does not end up feeling that you have not put in a lot of work or thought behind the Video status.
बातों – बातों में दिल ले जाते हो … देखते हो इस तरह जान ले जाते हो … अदाओं से अपनी इस दिल को धड़काते हो … लेकर बाँहों में सारा जहाँ भुलाते हो।
When my arms can’t reach people who are close to my heart, I always hug them with my prayers. Happy Hug Day 2024!
हम को हमी से चुरा लो दिल में कहीं तुम छुपा लो हम अकेले न हो जाये दूर तुमसे न हो जाये पास आओ गले से लगा लो…
अपनी बाँहों में मुझे बिखर जाने दो.. साँसों से अपनी मुझे महक जाने दो.. दिल बेचैन है कबसे इस प्यार के लिए.. आज तो सीने में अपने मुझे उतर जाने दो।

Hug Day Status
If a hug represented how much I loved you, I would hold you in my arms forever. Wish you a happy hug day 2024!
एक बार तो मुझे सीने से लगा ले ..अपने दिल के भी अरमान सजा ले.. कबसे है तड़प तुझे अपना बनाने की.. आज तो मौका है मुझे अपने पास बुला ले।
बाँहों के दरमियाँ दो प्यार मिल रहे हैं … जाने क्या बोले मन …. डोले सुनके बदन धड़कन बनी ज़ुबाँ ….
Do you know? There is one gift which cannot be given without taking it back …. that is why I give you hug
Happy Hug Day 2024!
Happy Hug Day Short Status for Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Crush, Fiance & Lovers

Hug Day 2024 Short Status
कोई कहे इससे जादू की झप्पी … कोई कहे इसे प्यार … मौका खूबसूरत है … आ गले लग जा मेरे यार Happy Hug Day 2024

Hug Day Status 2024
People will now have the option of customizing their Hug Day 2 Line Status so that they are able to make a Hug Day WhatsApp Video Status especially keeping their partner in mind. This will help them to relate to their status at a much deeper level.
When you love me like that, I melt into Honey. Let’s be sweet together, Happy Hug Day 2024 My Darling!
देखा है जबसे तुमको मेरा दिल नहीं है बस में.. जी चाहे आज तोड़ दूँ दुनिया की सारी रस्मे.. तेरा साथ चाहता हूँ तेरा हाथ चाहता हूँ.. बाँहों में तेरी रहना मैं दिन रात चाहता हूँ।
तुम गले मिले तो ऐसे लगा जैसे पिछले जनम की बिछड़ी रूह मिली हो Happy Hug Day 2024!
आके तेरी बाँहों में हर शाम लगे सिंधूरी… मेरे मन को महकाए तेरे मन की कस्तूरी । हैपी हग डे..
I’m sending you a tight hug to relieve you from stress along with a kiss to put a smile on your lips. If feel-good send the same to me so that I can also be stress-free. Happy hug day 2024!
पागल कर दिया उसने, एक बार देखकर. . . मै कुछ भी ना कर सका लगातार देखकर. . .Happy Hug Day 2024
Read more: Happy Hug Day Shayari & Poems 2024 for Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Lovers, Wife, Crush, Wife & Husband
Happy Hug Day 2 Line Status 2024 in Hindi & English

Hug Day 2024 2 Line Status
Alone? I’ll be your shadow. Want to cry? Here’s my shoulder. Need a hug? I’ll hold you tight. Because where your strength ends, My worth of being your love begins. Happy Hug Day 2024!
तेरी मोहब्बत कि तलब थी तो हाँथ फैला दिये हमने, वरना हम तो अपनी जिन्दगी के लिए भी दुआ नही मागते Happy Hug Day 2024.
A hug is the shortest distance between friends. Happy Hug Day friends 2024!
लग जा गले के फिर ये हसीन रात हो न हो शायद फिर इस जनम में मुलाकात हो न हो… Wish you Happy Hug Day 2024
Hug Day Whatsapp Video Status 2024 to Update Story

Hug Day 2024 Video Status for Whatsapp Story
There is GIF available on the internet which you can use as Hug Day Video Status so that you can upload something on the social media platform which is very much unique in nature.
Don’t fear to hug much because an overdose of hug never causes your BP or sugar level high, it’s always natural and sugar-free. Enjoy it beyond the limit. Happy hug day 2024!
सिर्फ एक बार गले लग कर मेरे दिल की धड़कन सुन , फिर लौटने का इरादा हम तुम पर छोड़ देंगे हैपी हग डे..
Millions and millions of years would still not give me half enough time to describe that tiny instant of all eternity when you put your arms around me and I put my arms around you.
तुम्हारी बाँहों में आकर हमें जन्नत मिल गयी सारी , खुदा से बोल दूँ की अपनी जन्नत अपने पास ही रखे
कोई कहे इसे जादू की झप्पी.. कोई कहे इसे प्यार.. मौका खूबसूरत आ गले लग जा यार… Happy Hug Day 2024.
Hug Day 2024 Video Status are available on the internet with a lot of short clips which can up uploaded on WhatsApp. People all across the world download status from the internet and post them on WhatsApp and it is up to you to choose the status that you can relate to.