Good Evening status and quotes have become very popular in today’s world. In the world of social media and the internet, it has become a ritual to wish everyone whenever you meet them virtually. In today’s world, the internet is the best way to gather whatever information you need. There is a lot of information on the internet so are there a lot of pictures and good evening status and quotes.
Where to find the best Good Evening status and quotes?
Looking for the best quotes and statuses for wishing people a good evening then you are at the right place. Get the best quotes which you could relate to and make sure you post them on social media by tagging your friends.
Good Evening Status & Quotes for Whatsapp – It’s time to send Good Evening text

The sun sets in the evening today with the promise that it will rise again tomorrow. Here’s hoping that this awesome day comes to a close with the promise that there will be better tomorrow. Good evening.
Future is not something you await! It is something you must create! Plan your future in advance because that’s where you will spend the rest of your life! Good Evening!
A simple good evening becomes a special greeting when someone so dear it is heartily given, because you have to me a wonderful meaning. Take care and have wonderful evening!
Happiness cannot be far behind a grateful heart and a peaceful mind. Good evening!
Friendship is not having a gang of people around you. It is best to have one heart which is true, Thinking of you and Always cares for you. Gud evening!
Being happy doesn’t mean everything’s perfect. It just means we have decided to see everything beyond the imperfections. Good evening!
Follow the rhythm of your heart, Heart takes you to the destination. Where your goodness dwells. Have a great evening!
As the sun drowns in the sea today, may it take away all your worries away. As it rises from the bay tomorrow, may it bring you the promise of a life without sorrow. Good evening.
Cute and true lines – Never choose a dear one without understanding and never lose a dear one because of misunderstanding. Good evening!
Good Evening Whatsapp Status
Friendship is not always surrounded by many of people. It is for best heart person who cares you and helps you. Good evening.
Most of the things we desire are expensive.But the truth is the things that really satisfy us are free: Love, joy, laughter and good relations. Good evening!
Good evening, if you can look at the Sunset and smile then you still have hope.
It’s human tendency to run behind people whom we love and neglect the ones who love us because we’re sure we’ll never loss them. Strange but very true. Good evening!
Cute and true lines – Never choose a dear one without understanding and never lose a dear one because of misunderstanding… Good evening!
Worries are like Moon. one day will increase, one day will decrease, other day may not be seen. So Don’t Worry for Anything. Always Be cool. Good evening!
We may easily forget the people with whom we laughed and enjoyed. But, I can’t forget those people with whom we cried and shared our feelings. It’s true. Gud evening…
Separation is a wound that no one can heal. But, Remembrance is a gift that no one can steal. Keep your memories intact. Good evening!
Mornings, hurried and stressful. Afternoons, slow and woeful. Nights, time to rest. Evenings, simply the best.
Don’t guess a person’s character on his present situation. Because, Time has the power to change an ordinary coal into a precious diamond. Gud Evening!
That’s all for the day, See you tomorrow, Hope you all enjoyed a lot, Have a nice day. Good evening!
An evening is the pause button that gives you breather before you jump from one part of the day to another good evening.
I hope our friendship always remains as beautiful and breath-taking as a picturesque sunset. Good evening.
Worries are like Moon. one day will increase, one day will decrease, other day may not be seen. So, Don’t Worry for Anything. Always Be cool. Good evening!
Good Evening Short Status
Evenings are your chance to forget the mistakes you made during the day, so for the sweetest of dreams, you can have the way. Good evening!
Life is 5 star, Mother is top star, Father is king star, Teacher is Ultimate star, Lover is action star, But A friend is the, REAL STAR‚ Good Evening!
The sunshine of your smile might chase d clouds, From sms’s life 2day. So, keep smiling. Good evening!
We enter the world alone, we leave the world alone, so it’s better to live alone… Good evening!
A nice quote n the fact… Closest relationship in the world, Have fought more battle than the enemies. So, keep fighting with loved one. Gud evng…
A simple good evening becomes a special greeting when someone so dear it is heartily given, because you have to me a wonderful meaning. Take care and have wonderful evening!
The best medicine in the world without any side effect is a ‘smiling face’. I will pray that this medicine must be always with you smile please… happy rainy evening!
Energy reduces, Sweeting stops, Cool wind comes, Sun starts to set, Legs count their step, That time if a friend says good evening, How your heart feels…
In life, we have a lot to lose and very little to Choose. Whenever you get a chance to choose, do it wisely & see that you NEVER LOSE WAT you CHOOSE! Gud evening!
Two thoughts that decide your attitude, ‘what you think yourself when you have nothing. And what you think of others when you have everything. Good evening!
The tantalizing rays of the setting sun, remind me that you’re my number one. I love you.
May the beautiful evening sun, photobomb all the romantic selfies you take with your special someone. Good evening.
Cupid is the second name for evening because most romantic dates start in the evening. Good evening sweetheart.
Good Evening 2 Line Status
4 Blessed ways of living: 1st, Look back & Thank God. 2nd, Look forward & Trust God 3rd, Look around & serve God. 4th, Look within & Find God. Good Evening…
Memories play a confusing role. They make you laugh when you, Remember da time you cried 2gether. But make you cry when you, Remember the time you laughed together, Good Evening!
Friends change, I know they do, But this friend will always belong to you, Friends hurt I know they do… But this friend gets hurt more without YOU! Good Evening!
‘Being happy doesn’t mean everything’s perfect. It just means, We have decided to see everything beyond the imperfections, Craig Hugs. Good evening…
Give laugh to all but smile to ONE. Give love to all but heart to ONE. Give life to all but live for ONE. Have a cool evening!
A nice quote n the fact. ‘closest relationship in the world have fought more battle than the enemies’. So, keep fighting with loved one… Gud evng!
That’s all for the day see you tomorrow hope you all enjoyed a lot have a nice day. Good evening!
Just like the froth in beer rises to the top of the glass and disappears, I wish that all your worries and fears disappear as the evening fills up your glass of life. Good evening.
Friends like you are the reason why there’s never a sunset in my life’s happiness. Good evening.
My wishes are silent but true, Everywhere they will follow you… Luck is yours, wishes are mine… I wish your present & future always shine… Good Evening!
An evening is the PAUSE button that gives you a breather before you jump from on part of the day to another. Good evening.
There’s no need to add sugar to your evening coffee, because you’ve just been poked by a sweet person like me. Good evening.
Smile is a language of love Smile is to win the hearts Smile improves your personality SO SMILE always. Good Evening….
Welcome to evening, Happy Welcome to Fresh Evening. Great Welcome to New Evening, Lovely welcome to nice evening, Wish you good evening.
Good Evening Quotes
Why does the sun set and rise every day? So, that I can wish good morning and good evening to you.
Learn to appreciate what you have right now than lose it later with bitter regrets. Good evening!
Whenever you feel 99% bored 55% lonely, 13% angry, 22% worried, 10% sad, 11% confused, Don’t worry. Just put those numbers together and call me. I’m there always. GUD EVENING…
A clay pot having milk will be ranked higher than a golden pot having poison. not our outer glamor but our inner virtues make us valuable! GOOD evening…
Distance never separate any relation, Time never build any relation, If feelings are true from heart, Then friends are always friends forever. Happy Evening!
We may easily forget d people with whom we laughed n enjoyed. But, we can’t forget those people with whom v cried n shared our feelings. It’s true. Gud evening!
The hardest thing of missing someone is not just their absence. It’s when you think of the memories shared with them n ask yourself won’t it ever happen again. Good Evening
A lovely friendship should have the determination of mirror which never loses its ability to reflect even it is broken into thousand pieces. Gud evening!
Here is my evening wish along with a little advice you are your boss, Don’t even depend on others for anything. Good evening!
Evenings allow you to forget the bitter worries of the day and get ready for the sweet dreams of night. Good evening.
Evenings are life’s way of saying that you are closer to your dreams.
Evenings are your chance to forget the mistakes you made during the day, so for the sweetest of dreams, you can pave the way. Good evening.
WORDS And HEARTS Should be handled carefully, Because words when SPOKEN & Hearts when BROKEN Are the hardest things to repair, Good evening!
Good Evening Captions for Instagram
CUTE is your NATURE, SWEET is your NAME, Close to my HEART you will always REMAIN, As PLANT wants WATER, FLOWER wants DEW, I want nothing but HAPPYNESS for you… Good evening!
Most of the things we desire are EXPENSIVE. But the truth is: The things That really satisfy us Are FREE: Love, joy, laughter & Good relations. good evening
Evenings… a reason to come back home, look forward to a good meal and spend time with loved ones.
The sun will rise and set. The stars will appear and disappear. The clouds will gather and later wither… nothing can stop nature’s cycle, just like nothing can stop you from succeeding. Good evening.
Making a million friends is not an achievement, The achievement is to make, ‘A’ friend who will stand by you. When a million are against you… Good evening…
Evenings are the beautifully sweet spot between the harsh light of the day and the dead darkness of night.
(“,) EXCUSE ME! The sunshine of your smile might chase d clouds 4m someone’s life day. So, keep smiling. good evening.
My wishes are silent but true, Everywhere they will follow you, Luck is yours, wishes are mine, I wish your present & future always shine, Good Evening!
Life can be happier & stress less if we remember one simple thought: ‘We can’t have all that we desire, but God will give us all that we deserve. Have a good evening!
Have a wonderful evening at work do not work too hard be blessed and I will keep you in my prayers love you.
Why does the sun set and rise every day? So, that I can wish good morning and good evening to you.
Why do you need statuses and quotes on a good evening?
People are bored of the only good morning and good night quotes. Right now wishing good evening with a sweet quote is the best thing to do. So download the best quotes and then post it on Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and many more.
Who should you tag or send the good evening statuses to?
There are a lot of special people in your life who get unappreciated day by day. People who love you but you never thank them for being there for you. It’s time to thank them all. Post the status and quotes on a good evening and tag them to make them feel good about themselves even if they are having a bad day
Look through the internet for all the best quotes and images which you could relate to and save them all and later post it on your social media tagging, everyone, you love and care to show them how much you love and care about them.